10 December 2021

Mysterious "case of the future" at the Effie Awards Ukraine 2021

Every year at the Effie Awards Ukraine companies compete for the title of the most effective. It stimulates business growth, shares experience and encourages professionals to promote marketing in Ukraine.

Back in 2019, a new block of awards in the category of Positive Change appeared on Effie with the support of the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition. However, eco-cases are outnumbered by commercial ones, and the clock is constantly counting the days before the climate catastrophe. Therefore, with the support of All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition, the Adsapience agency initiated the "Case of the Future".

The mission of the project is to activate brands for positive change and encourage responsible attitude towards nature. Adsapience team believes that there will be more eco-cases in the near future.

We are launching an eco-case and taking a step towards change together on December 15 at the Effie Awards Ukraine 2021. Don't miss it!