Your entry will be judged by some of the most experienced and authority leaders of industry – marketing directors of leading companies and brands in Ukraine as well as heads of advertising agencies whose cases proved their effectiveness in Effie Awards Ukraine.

Entries are judged in three rounds. Scoring is done anonymously and confidentially.

Each member of jury reviews a unique set of entries in a given session. Judges are not allowed to review submissions from the category they work in – for example:

- an automotive judge would not score submissions in the Automotive category. For this reason, it is crucial to provide category context and limit the use of industry jargon in your entry;

- a member of jury who related to realization of the case (from agency’s part as well as an advertiser) cannot score this case.

Round One Judging (Determination of finalists)

Round One Judges evaluate all elements of an entry: the written case and creative materials. Cases are reviewed on a stand-alone basis without comparison to other entries in category. Cases that score enough become finalists and move on to Final Round Judging.

Round Two Judging (Determination of winners)

Finalists are judged against other finalists within their category, and like Round One, all elements of each case are reviewed and scored. In Final Round entries are evaluated by other panel of judges that in First Round. The judges' scores  determine which entries will be awarded.

Round Three Judging (Determination of Grand Prix)

The Grand Jury will choose one entry among gold winners of the contest that become the Grand Prix of the contest. 

Scoring System

Judges are asked to evaluate criteria in scoring a marketing case's overall effectiveness and provide four separate scores using 100-point scale. The breakdown is as follow:

Challenge, Context & Objectives


Insights & Strategic Idea


Bringing the Idea To Life      





The total score of entry is determined by combination of final results from each judge. And in this scoring the highest and the lowest scores are count out.

The finalist level and each winning level – gold, silver, bronze – have minimum scores required in order to be eligible for finalists status or for an award.

It is possible that a category may produce one or multiply winners of any level or perhaps no winners at all – no matter the number of finalists. Not all finalists become winners.

Judges evaluate all elements - written case and creative materials. Before entering please make sure that written case and creative materials complement each other.

Additionally, judges are reviewed between 15-20 entries. Because of the volume of entries being reviewed, clear, concise and honest entries stand out.

Confirmation process of data
  • If judge has doubt about data' proof, he/she has rights to mark these data and notify the other judges. 
  • Other judges of this panel will be informed about the decision of their colleague. If minimum 50% of judges has doubt about an entry, entrant must provide data' proof.
  • Scoring of this entry is put off.
  • Data' proof (for example, reports of research and monitoring companies etc.) must be presented by entrant in 2 working days after finishing Round Judging. Request may be sent in 1 working day after finishing of both Rounds.
  • Organizing Committee send out data' proof to all judges. They evaluate entry in consideration of data' proof and send protocols to Committee in a day.  
  • If data cannot be provided, entry will result in disqualification.
  • If one of judges will find falsification of data, an entry will result in disqualification.

Before to start all judges will be informed about this process.