Data presented must be isolated to Ukraine & work must have run at some point between: January 1, 2023 – October 1, 2024 (for Sustained Success from 2021 or earlier).

Results that fall after the end of the eligibility period that are directly tied to the work that ran in the eligibility timing are fine to submit.  


  • The Sustained Success Effie Award honors efforts that have succeeded for more than three years in the Ukraine
  • At minimum, creative work and results must date back to 2021, and entries must include results from the current competition year: January 1, 2023 – October 1, 2024. If you wish to provide work and results prior to 2021, you are welcome to do so. 

You may enter an effort into a maximum of 4 categories, with no more than 1 Industry category and no more than 2 Commerce & Shopper categories. You will need to submit a separate entry and pay separate entry fees for each category submission for an effort.
Each entry should be customized to speak to the specifics of each entered category. Judges are evaluating your work against the category definition and they frequently express that it is difficult to properly evaluate a submission when the entry wasn’t tailored for the entered Effie category.

You will need to submit a separate entry and pay separate entry fees for each category submission for an effort.

A single effort cannot be submitted by different organizations in the same category.

Teams must collaborate on a single entry. Different organizations may take the lead on entering the same work in different categories.

Organizing Committee of Effie Awards Ukraine reserves the right to re-categorize entries, split/redefine categories and/or refuse entry at any time.

To enter  you should register online, to provide all elements of entry and make a payment. After entry period an entry may not be changed without addressing to Organizing Committee of Effie Awards Ukraine. Changes in entry are impossible after judging process.


Familiarize with Effie Awards Ukraine rules
Choose number of entries
Upload comleated entry forms into personal account
Pay an invoice
  1. Review the additional data required for participation.

You should read all entry rules & requirements on Effie Awards Ukraine website. 

Effie Entry Kit is a selection of materials to guide you through the entry process of Effie Awards Ukraine. Download Effie Entry Kit via link. View additional tips from the Jury in the Effective Entry Guide

  1. Decide the number of entries for participation

The number of entries depends not from the number of realized campaigns, but from the number of categories in which you plan to submit each campaign.

You may enter an effort into a maximum of 4 categories, with no more than 1 Industry category and no more than 2 Commerce & Shopper categories.

You will need to submit a separate entry and pay separate entry fees for each category submission for an effort.

  1. Login on-line at website of Effie Awards Ukraine

After registration at website and payment of entries you are agree with your status of participant/entrant of project. To register you should provide the number of entries, fill in the contact person and other proposed fields.

  1. In section "Entry Form" download and fill out documents: Entry form (standart or special) and all attachments (№1 Authorization & Verification Form, №2 Additional Data). All documents must be completed in two languages (in Ukrainian and English) as separate files.

  1. Upload the completed documents: Entry Form, all attachments, creative materials, Primary Publicity Image and companies logos into personal account till Deadline.

Entry fees are locked based on the date of submission – when all parts of the entry are complete, and the entrant clicks ‘Submit’ in the personal account. According to particular deadline Organizing committee provides the invoice for payment.

All materials should be uploaded in format of 2 archives. Each archive folder must be named as the entrant name, category and campaign name:

  • The first archive folder must contain Entry form and attachments in two languagues.
  • The second archive folder must contain all creative materials and companies logos.

Primary Publicity Image is uploded in special field in personal account.

Note! The completed entry should be uploaded online only into the personal account at website of Effie Awards Ukraine. The printed copies are not required.

  1. Pay an invoice.

By uploading entry to the entry portal, entrants undertake to pay entry fees. All submitted entries will be judged, and the payment of fees will be due.


If your work continued running in this year’s regular eligibility window and you have results, you may re-enter past winning efforts.

The following requirements for past winning works:

  • Finalists & winners whose work ran in this period may submit their work again in the 2024 competition, provided they have additional results to share. Entries that did not advance in the competition may re-enter without restriction.​
  • 2023 Gold Effie Winners can only re-enter a category in which they did not win Gold.​
  • Past Gold Sustained Success winners can re-enter the Sustained Success categories after 3 years – Gold winners from 2020 and earlier are eligible.​
  • 2023 David vs. Goliath & Challenger Brand Solutions winning brands (Gold/Silver/Bronze) cannot re-enter these categories in 2024.